Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Countdown: 1 Week until The Year Just Gone (2013)

C.M.’s second volume of collected short works completed, revised and prepared for publication or published in 2013 releases in one week and five days’ time.

Like Remnants to Recent Years, The Year Just Gone consists of short stories, flash fiction and poetry, explorations of fantasy, science fiction, speculation, real-world and real-life commentary, language and word play in general.

Some of the short stories in The Year Just Gone have been released as stand-alone works, as part of An Anthology of Blades, or as both. Rather than buy them one by one, you can find them all in this volume. These stories are:

  • The Soul in the Sword
  • Gulvane and the Dragon
  • Stiletto’s Luck
  • The Reptiles’ Blade
  • Death Comes in Bone

 The rest of this volume consists of flash fiction and poetry, explorations of fantasy, science fiction, speculation, real-world and real-life commentary, language and word play in general.

The Year Just Gone is scheduled for release on June 28, 2014.
Here is a taste of what to expect:

Written on November 4, 2013, for the October 26 entry of 365 Days of Poetry, this piece is in honour of the cherry blossoms that get blown from the trees each year.

Flowers in the wind,
twisting, turning,
a petal flurry
driven sideways,
in drifts and gusts.
Petal snow
Grass and earth are coated
in summer drifts
of pink
and white.

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